[ten][thủ Thuật] Cheat Code Gameloft + [update] Link Down Game![/ten][info]Một số cheat gameloft cho ae nào chưa biết và link download game Dưới đây mình trích một vài cheat mà mình sưu tầm được. Hơi lười dịch nên AE thông cảm+tự dịch nhé (Nâng cao thêm tí trình độ English) Ai muốn tìm cheat game nào thì để lại comment. Cám ơn ý kiến của bạn one-hit, mình sẽ up ảnh và link down game ngay sau cheat để tiện cho các bạn muốn chơi khỏi đi tìm. Tất cả link down game đều có mh 240x320, mh khác các bạn chịu khó tự tìm nhé. Và sẽ là bản Tiếng Việt (nếu có) Thôi k dài dòng nữa, vào vấn đề chính nhá. DUNGEON HUNTER 3 http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /17034d0512d7defd966d6a8bbf885d14 /dungeonhunter3.2.jpg while playing, press "Pause" button and Enter following codes: Press 9713* → God Mode Press 9731* → Hack speed Re-entering codes will disable cheats. (supplied by bd_soft) Download game --------------- DRIVER: SAN FRANCISCO http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /7a2c557b6139168fa2e00f0a156b8af8 /DriverSF.jpg Press *1379# in the main menu tocomplete all missions, to unlock all towns & to get $1,000,000 Download game --------------- REAL FOOTBALL 2012 http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /1f2e5ddf6b1ad11157245af1a7018dc8 /realfootball2012.png -in main menu: Press 24462 to activate ML mode -in club master/enter the legend mode: Press 2468 to activate cheat mode and to win everything. (YOU MUST ACTIVATE ML mode at first) -in the game: After activating ML mode Press Right Soft Key to get a secret menu named HAND OF GOD. ¤CPU vs CPU/Legend mode: On main menu, press */# to toggle these modes... Download game --------------- COWBOYS & ALIENS http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /0a6927306980bb2dc4580fcfc1a16e85 /gameloft-releases-cowboys-and-aliens- onto-the-android-market_tn-ns_0.jpg Press *1973 in the main menu. Some code numbers will appear on top (in blue colors). Now while playing, press * to open the cheat list. Press # to skip mission or go to the next destination. (SUPPLIED by AxnDx) In main menu type #1379 then goto game Show Rect: 1# Show Phy: 2# Show Ways: 3# Golden: 4# Show FPS: 5# Show Time: 6# Unlock Level: 7# Level Complete: 8# Level Failed: 9# Close Cheat: # Fast Move: * (supplied by mobinfo) Download game --------------- MODERN COMBAT 2 http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /75a9187844d803aea816815bdecf0475 /Modern-Combat-2.jpg during play (it also work on main menu) press #1379 Download game --------------- FAST FIVE http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /1043bed2a0d790842150d623527d9f60 /fastfive.jpg In main menu type #1379* and select 'cheat: 9' to unlock all. Download game ---------------- GREEN FARM http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /cac5dd71b9dc3a1dc77c1da92c5b1999 /greenfarm.jpg -While playing the game press 0 then go back and type 123#, repeat these buttons two more times and cheat menu will apear! -Buy something/plant something then press #. this cheat works only once (supplied by zerrianreyndra) Download game ---------------- MY LIFE IN N.Y http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /1551a87658eec35073b37d075797873e /mylifeinn.y.gif In the main menu type #1973* to open the cheat menu. Under cheatmenu u will find: Unlock All, Add Money, Turbo Mode, Max PC Stats, Stats Modifier & Debug Strings. (supplied by skillmaticforreal) Download game ---------------- MEGA TOWER ASSAULT http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /7249687121868375255bb8539d6a2736 /mega-tower-assault.jpg type in the main menu 287833. While in game type this codes: 1379 mission winning, 7997 add money, 3113 unknown, 13#9 show fps, 13#6 Show the use of memory (supplied by skillmaticforreal) Download game ---------------- BLOCK BREAKER 3 http://gocmobile.net/files/022012 /f1cb8aa6863e4655a8fef04d1bfc005f /blockbreaker3.jpg in the main menu type #1973* to open the cheat menu. In cheat menu u can turn god mode on to have unlimited lives, to unlock all features, to see fps. When in game, press # to instantly win the level. Download game ----------------[/info]